Local rules
1. Out of bounds
• Out of bounds is defined by white stakes.
• When playing holes number 7 Železná and 4 Ocelová on the right side of the hole, demarcated by white pegs with a black head, is off the playing area. These pins are treated as boundary objects. All other openings are immovable obstacles.
2. Ground under the Repair
• The entire area under repair is a no-play zone, which should be considered an abnormal pitch condition. Under Rule 16.1, free relief from interference must be provided by the no-play zone.
• Any area bordered by a white line or marked with blue pins.
• All areas on the track marked as GUR.
• All nonstrandart bunkers are now GUR. Playing from these positions is not allowed!
• Also, any part of the golf course that is damaged by the construction of the new area is also a GUR. (for example - any line or mark from the excavator, stones or excavated soil)
• Cut grass joints and cracks in the ground in the general area are sanded in repair.
• If it interferes with the position of the ball or the player's area of the intended swing, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. However, there is no interference if the seam or crack only interferes with the player's stance. All seams and cracks in the same area are treated as one in relief. This means that if the player touches any seam or crack after dropping the ball, he must proceed under Rule 14.3c(2), even if the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point.
• Holes left by moving obstacles in the general area.
• French drains (drainage ditches filled with stone or gravel).
• Erosion damage in bunkers caused by running water (washouts).
• Any area of the country that is considered officially abnormal under the rules.
3. Immovable obstacles
• All stones bearing the donor's name (near trees) on the course are considered immovable obstacles from which free relief is permitted under Rule 16.1. Relief is not allowed under Rule 15.2.
• All paths and paths with an artificial surface and no grass area connected to the road within one club distance of the road.
4. Permanent lines and cables
• If a player's ball hits a permanent or temporary raised line or rope, the stroke does not count. The player must play the ball without penalty from the spot where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6). Other parts (e.g. power poles) are immovable obstacles.
5. Free obstacles
• Unless otherwise noted, mulch bark areas anywhere on the course offer no free relief. Individual pieces of mulch bark are free obstacles.
6. Drop zone
• On hole number 8 of the Železná Nine, if the ball is in the penalty area defined by the red black-headed pegs, including when it is known or virtually certain that the ball that was not found has come to rest in the penalty area, the player may take relief under the Rule 17.1d, or as a further relief by adding one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball into the drop zone.
Penalty for violation of local rules (unless expressly stated otherwise):
Stroke play: two penalty strokes; Match play: loss of hole
Stopping and resuming play (Rule 5.7)
Immediate stop: One long siren tone.
Normal stop: Three consecutive siren tones, repeatedly.
Resume Play: Two short siren tones, repeatedly.